

Christie To Discuss Education Policy, Scandals In Address

Dealing with multiple scandals, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is placing the bulk of his focus on education policy in his State of the State Address.

It'll be the first time Chris Christie faces the cameras since that marathon press conference last week. 

GOV. CHRISTIE: "I am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team." (Via CNN)

At his State of the State address on Tuesday, Christie is expected to address the scandals that have plagued his office lately. But he will put the focus on his policy making, including an education reform proposal. (Via New York Daily News)

"In his speech, Christie is expected to unveil plans for lengthening the school day and the school year." (ViaWCAU)

"In his State of the State address today, he's expected to make the case that children who spend more time in school will be better prepared academically when they graduate." (ViaKTBC)

A writer for The Washington Postsays, "Under different circumstances, [education] would probably be one of the buzziest parts of the address. Instead, what he says (or doesn't say) about ... Fort Lee ... will be the focal point of Christie's remarks." 

Christie's much-anticipated State of the State address would have likely been a chance for him to celebrate his reelection and rising political status as a potential presidential candidate in 2016. Instead, the Fort Lee traffic jam and another scandal have gotten more attention. 

This tourism ad featuring Christie and his family aired during his gubernatorial campaign for reelection. Federal relief funds were used to create it and Christie's opponents say it was used as a campaign boost. (Via YouTube / "Stronger Than The Storm")

Still, Christie's proposal to have students spend more time in the classroom could help bring focus back onto his political gains instead of alleged wrong-doings. 

The Record reports New Jersey students attend school 180 days a year and receive six hours of instructional time each day. The school year structure is still based on the antiquated schedule of farming families. 

President Obama has also called for more time spent in school. Student test scores fall considerably before and after long breaks — like summer break. (ViaThe New York Times)

The push for education reform comes with reports that American students have fallen more and more behind many other countries in most of the core subjects — especially math and science. (Via NBC)