

Meet Christopher A. Wray, Trump's New Pick To Lead The FBI

Wray's background in federal law enforcement has many admitting he's a good pick for the job. But his law firm's ties to Trump could face scrutiny.

This is Christopher A. Wray, President Donald Trump's pick to serve as the next FBI director.

Wray is currently a partner at the law firm King & Spalding, where he handles regulatory enforcement and white-collar criminal cases.

But before that, he led the Justice Department's criminal division as assistant attorney general from 2003 to 2005. 

During that time, he served on then-President George W. Bush's corporate fraud task force. 

And he oversaw several major fraud investigations, including the Enron case, which the FBI has called "the largest and most complex white-collar investigation in FBI history."

More recently, Wray represented New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during the so-called Bridgegate scandal.

Back in 2013, Christie was accused of intentionally closing lanes on the George Washington Bridge in order to punish his political opponents.

Christie was never charged in connection with the scandal, but two of his former aides were found guilty.

Wray's extensive background in federal law enforcement has many experts saying he's a pretty good pick for the job.

But conflict-of-interest concerns could place Wray under heavy scrutiny during his Senate confirmation hearing. As Newsweek points out, his law firm has ties to both President Trump's trust and the Trump Organization.