

Civil Rights Commission Says Voting Restrictions Are On The Rise

A report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights says the increase in voter ID laws and restrictive voter registration processes is discriminatory.

Restrictions on voting are on the rise, and they're disproportionately affecting minority voters — that's according to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The commission released a report on minority voting rights access on Wednesday.

The report repeatedly points to the Supreme Court's 2013 ruling in Shelby County v. Holder as a turning point for voting rights, pointing to restrictions some states instituted immediately after the decision.

The court ruled in that case that a key part of the Voting Rights Act, or VRA was outdated – a provision that required nine states to get federal approval before changing voting laws. 

Since the 2010 election, 23 states have passed"restrictive voter laws," according to the commission. Those range from new voter ID laws to cuts to early voting and polling places.

The commission's report cites court cases and academic studies that have found these laws affect minority voters at a higher rate than non-minority voters.

Now, the commission says congress needs to amend the VRA to expand protections against discrimination and the Department of Justice needs to do more to enforce existing protections.