

Conflicted: A Newsy Special Report

This special report explores the unprecedented conflicts of interest in the Trump White House.
Promo image for Newsy's 'Conflicted' special report
and last updated

We're in uncharted territory. President Donald Trump's message of change on the campaign trail upended American politics. But since his election, Trump has failed to separate himself from his business. In this upcoming special report, we'll visualize the new president's financial conflicts in a way you haven't seen before.

Our sources:

Donald Trump's financial disclosure forms

Office of Government Ethics letter to senators answering questions on conflicts of interest, Trump and government ethics laws

Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub's remarks at the Brookings Institution

The New York Times — "Trump's Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties"

The Wall Street Journal — "Trump's Debts Are Widely Held On Wall Street"

The Washington Post — "Trump Leases His D.C. Hotel From a Government Agency He'll Soon Be in Charge Of"

Trump's full press conference on how he will handle his businesses as president

Trevor Potter — "Donald Trump Hasn't Resolved Any of His Conflicts of Interest"

Cato Institute — Emoluments clause vs the Trump empire

The Atlantic — "Donald Trump's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet"

The Daily Beast — "Justice Scalia's Warning to President Trump"