

House Committee To Subpoena 2 Immigration Agency Leaders

The panel is investigating a controversial immigration policy that didn't allow immigrants with serious medical issues to get deportation protection.

A Congressional committee is heading into another subpoena showdown with the Trump administration. 

The House Oversight Committee plans to subpoena Ken Cuccinelli and Matthew Albence, the acting directors of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and ICE, respectively. 

The committee is investigating a short-lived, but controversial immigration policy. For a few weeks, the Trump administration did not allow immigrants with serious medical issues to be protected from deportation. The policy was reversed, but lawmakers are pushing forward with their investigation. 

Both men have resisted the committee's requests to testify, instead sending other officials from their departments. In a letter sent prior to the subpoena threat, Cuccinelli said he's already accommodated the committee's requests, and he called the focus of the investigation a "resolved issue." 

    Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Elijah Cummings said they still have questions that need to be answered. Specifically, he said they want to know who made the decision to change the deportation policy, and they want confirmation of how deferred action requests will be treated going forward.