

In Return To Capitol Hill, Rep. Steve Scalise Shares His Gratitude

Rep. Steve Scalise is back at work after he was shot in the hip in June at a Republican congressional baseball practice.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is back on Capitol Hill.

"You have no idea how great this feels to be back here at work in the people's house," Scalise said. "As you can imagine, these last three and a half months have been pretty challenging times for me and my family."

Scalise was shot in the hip in June when a gunman opened fire at a Republican congressional baseball practice in Virginia. The congressman was at "imminent risk of death" when he was taken to the hospital.

Now after surgeries and rehabilitation, Scalise is back on the job — and he thanked his friends and colleagues for keeping him going.

"So many others of you, again, both Republican and Democrat, reached out in ways that I can't express the gratitude and how much it means to me," Scalise said.

Scalise said the experience changed him and showed him how compassionate people can be.

Scalise said, "While some people might focus on a tragic event and an evil act, to me, all I remember are the thousands of acts of kindness."

A statement from Scalise's office said he'll continue outpatient rehabilitation while he works on the Hill.