

House Oversight Panel Requests Interviews With Scott Pruitt's Staff

Pruitt is under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, the Government Accountability Office, the EPA inspector general and the White House.

A House oversight panel ratcheted up its review of Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt. On Friday, chairman Trey Gowdy requested a number of documents from the EPA as well as interviews with top members of Pruitt's staff. 

Pruitt is under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, the Government Accountability Office, the EPA inspector general and the White House. It's been widely reported Pruitt clashed with career staff over his lavish spending on first-class travel and a large, around-the-clock security detail.

Now, Gowdy wants transcribed interviews with Pruitt's security chief, his chief of staff, and two senior aides — both of whom got large raises Pruitt denies approving. Gowdy also wants an interview with a former EPA staffer to be on the record. Kevin Chmielewski, a former Trump campaign aide, was fired after butting heads with Pruitt over his spending. He spoke with the House panel earlier this week. 

Gowdy set the deadline for his request as April 27. However, the EPA inspector general's office is set to publish an interim report on its investigation into Pruitt's spending on Monday.