

McCaskill Paves The Way For A Vote To Reinstate Net Neutrality Rules

McCaskill is the 30th co-sponsor of a bill that would reverse the Federal Communications Commission's decision to repeal net neutrality.

Sen. Claire McCaskill just paved the way for a vote to get net neutrality rules reinstated. 

McCaskill announced Monday she's the 30th co-sponsor of a bill that would reverse the Federal Communications Commission's decision to repeal net neutrality. 

The bill, which was introduced by Sen. Edward Markey back in December, would use the Congressional Review Act to force that vote. The act allows Congress to invalidate recently passed regulations with a simple majority.

Just because the bill now has enough co-sponsors to force a vote in the Senate doesn't mean it's a done deal. If it's approved in the Senate, then it will be sent to the House. And if those lawmakers sign off on it, then it goes to President Donald Trump's desk, and he could always veto it.