

Mitch McConnell Blocks Bill Protecting Robert Mueller's Investigation

​McConnell said the legislation was unnecessary.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has blocked a bill drafted to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Republican Sen. Jeff Flake attempted Wednesday to get the Special Counsel Integrity Act to the Senate floor for a vote. The legislation, which was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee in April, would make it harder for the White House to fire Mueller and would allow the special council to appeal the decision if he were to be let go.

But McConnell dismissed Flake’s request, saying the legislation was unnecessary and that he hadn't heard the president or others say they want to shut down Mueller's probe.

There's been an increased push for a vote on the bill after Jeff Sessions, who'd recused himself from the Mueller probe, was forced to resign as attorney general by President Trump last week. His replacement, Matthew Whitaker, has publicly criticized the investigation in the past.

In response, Sen. Flake said he will continue trying to move the bill along, and threatened to oppose any of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees until it gets a vote. Sen. Flake will retire at the end of the year.