

That Bipartisan Health Care Deal Isn't Getting Much Bipartisan Support

Democrats seem to be on board with the Alexander-Murray deal, but many Republicans aren't expressing similar enthusiasm.

A bipartisan legislation deal on health care doesn't seem to be getting much bipartisan support.

Sens. Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray negotiated the deal. It would fund key Obamacare subsidies in exchange for allowing states more flexibility to regulate health care coverage.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tweeted the deal had "broad support" from Democrats in the Senate.

And House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called it "good news for families across America."

But the deal doesn't seem to be getting that same sweeping support from Republicans.

Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Mike Rounds are some of the GOP lawmakers backing the deal. But others are strongly against, including Rep. Mark Walker who tweeted, "The GOP should focus on repealing and replacing Obamacare, not trying to save it. This bailout is unacceptable."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell didn't take a position on the deal Tuesday.

As of Wednesday morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan had not released a statement on the deal.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump initially seemed to support for the Alexander-Murray deal during a press conference Tuesday.

"For a period of one year, two years, we will have a very good solution," Trump said.

Wednesday morning, Trump refused to back it, tweeting he can "never support bailing out [insurance companies] who have made a fortune [with Obamacare]."

The Alexander-Murray deal is still just a proposal. The senators hope to present the legislation as early as this week.