

Pelosi Imposes Face Mask Requirement For House Floor

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said anyone who refuses to wear a face mask won't be allowed to enter the chamber.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi: "Pursuant to House Resolution 965, members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the hall of the House, except that members may remove their masks temporarily when recognized."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi imposed a mandatory face mask policy Wednesday for anyone appearing on the House floor. 

She noted that masks will be available for any representative or member of their staff who doesn't have one. But anyone who refuses to wear a face mask won't be allowed to enter the chamber. 

Pelosi: "The chair would also like to remind members that the speaker has the authority to direct the sergeant at arms to remove a member from the floor as a matter of decorum. ... To reiterate, the chair views the failure to wear a mask as a serious breach of decorum." 

The new mask requirement comes after Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert tested positive for the coronavirus. He's previously been spotted not wearing a mask or social distancing while on Capitol Hill. 

Gohmert, who's an eight-term congressman, is at least the 10th member of Congress to become infected with COVID-19. 

Members of the House are already required to wear face masks while in committee hearings. But it's been left to each committees' chairperson to decide if they want to enforce that rule. There are currently no face mask requirements for lawmakers in the Senate. 

Contains footage from CNN