

Controversial FBI Agent Says He's Willing To Testify Before Congress

Special counsel Robert Mueller removed Peter Strzok from the Russia probe for sending anti-Trump text messages.

The FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe for sending anti-Trump text messages said he's willing to testify before the House Judiciary Committee — or any other congressional committee. 

Peter Strzok's lawyer addressed the letter to House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte. 

Strzok's willingness to cooperate comes as Goodlatte was reportedly starting the process to subpoena Strzok about the FBI's actions in the 2016 presidential election. 

Strzok worked on FBI investigations into both Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump. Mueller booted him from the Russia probe last summer after text messages between Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page could be read as politically biased. 

The Justice Department inspector general's report released last week concluded that the language used between Strzok and Page was highly inappropriate. But the office found no evidence that political bias affected the handling of the Clinton probe.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.