

Schumer Aims To Have January 6 Commission Vote

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tells Newsy he wants to bring up a Senate vote on the January 6 commission bill this week.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tells Newsy he wants to bring up a Senate vote on the January 6 commission bill this week.

He says he hasn't gotten much help from Republicans, but Sen. Mitt Romney says he'd support bringing the bill up for debate.

It would need 10 Republican votes to pass if all Democrats vote for it.

The bill would create a 9/11-like review commission to investigate the attack on the Capitol. That attack prompted major changes to security around the Capitol. But Schumer says the extra measures were intended to be short-term. 

“it was never our intention to have an element of the U.S. military on guard at the Capitol for an indefinite period," he said. "It was always a temporary solution to a temporary security threat caused by the former president.”