

Senators To Return To The Capitol Under New Coronavirus Guidelines

Congress' physician issued guidelines encouraging senators to keep six feet of distance, to limit visitors and screen themselves before coming in.

Senators are planning to return to the Capitol on Monday under  new social distancing measures after a nearly month-long absence.

In a seven-page letter, Capitol physician Dr. Brian Monahan,  asked senators to maintain six feet of distance and limit staff and visitors in the office. He also recommended that all lawmakers wear masks and that everyone take their temperature every morning before coming into work.

Health and Human Services chief Alex Azar said Friday the Trump Administration will be sending 1,000 coronavirus test kits to the Senate, along with three rapid-results testing machines.

day earlier, Dr. Monahan had told GOP senators Thursday that there were only enough tests for those who were ill - not all senators and staff.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has insisted that the Senate can operate safely if members and staff follow the guidelines but several Democrats voiced concerns over the return.

Sen. Patty Murray said, "I have not yet seen, personally … a safety plan to protect those people who have to come back to the Capitol in order for us to do anything. Nor a plan to make sure that we are not spreading the virus ourselves or to the employees."

Of the 100 senators, eight have been quarantined. One, Sen. Rand Paul, tested positive for the virus. He says he has recovered.