

Trump: Guns Should Be Taken Away From Some People 'Immediately'

Trump pushed for a single piece of legislation to cover the gun-related proposals.

President Donald Trump came down hard on guns in his bipartisan meeting with senators on Wednesday, suggesting guns should be taken away from some people "immediately," even before "due process."

Trump offered a number of suggestions to Congress' ongoing effort to pass meaningful gun legislation following the Florida school shooting. He pushed for lawmakers to craft a single bill to accomplish those goals. 

He again mentioned his focus on those with mental illness. 

"We have to do something about the mentally ill not being able to buy a gun. ... No. 1, you could take the guns away immediately. ... I don't want mentally ill people to be having guns," Trump said. 

He voiced opposition to the concealed carry reciprocity measure in a bill the House passed last year that would improve background checks, saying, "You'll never get it passed."

Trump also criticized some attendees, saying they were "petrified" of the National Rifle Association. The NRA is the largest and most powerful gun lobby in the U.S. The group donated more than $11 million in support of Trump's presidential bid.