

The White House Is Facing Bipartisan Pressure Over The 'Comey Tapes'

Members of the House intelligence committee might be inching toward issuing a subpoena — if any such tapes exist.

President Donald Trump might eventually be subpoenaed over the now-infamous "Comey tapes" — if they exist.

The House intelligence committee requested information on any recordings or other documents of conversations between Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. If they do exist, the committee wants copies.

Trump tweeted in May that Comey had "better hope that there are no tapes" before Comey "starts leaking to the press." That was after Trump fired Comey as FBI director and a report from The New York Times surfaced about a private dinner between the two men.

In response to the request, the White House referred the committee to Trump's statements from June 22, which were on Twitter. Trump tweeted he didn't make any tapes and that he had "no idea" if anyone else did.

That answer didn't satisfy. Now Republican Rep. Mike Conaway and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff — leaders of the House Russia probe — sent a second letter to the White House urging full cooperation.

They argue by referring only to the president's tweets, the White House didn't explicitly clarify if recordings or documents exist and that the House request was only partially fulfilled.

If the White House doesn't comply, Conaway and Schiff said the committee would look into "compulsory" measures.