

Why Democrats May Have Waited To Push Al Franken To Resign

News outlets suggest they could be trying to take a "moral high ground."

Dozens of Democratic senators called for Sen. Al Franken's resignation this week following another allegation of sexual misconduct.

Accusations against Franken have been surfacing for weeks. So why did his colleagues wait to start pushing him to give up his seat? News outlets suggest Democrats could be trying to take a "moral high ground."

People criticized Democrats for not abandoning Franken amid earlier allegations but while at the same time condemning Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Roy Moore.

Several women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct. Some of those women say they were teenagers when Moore pursued them. Despite this, President Donald Trump recently endorsed him.

A Democratic strategist told NBC News, "This is an important test for our party ... It's an important distinction for us to draw going into 2018: That while the Republican Party will prop up a pedophile like Moore, we'll show zero tolerance for sexual misconduct."

Moore denies any allegations of wrongdoing.