

Dakota Access And Keystone XL Pipeline Movements Unite Against Trump

After President Trump signed memorandums to move forward on the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, activists met at the White House.

"We know Donald Trump is invested in himself," Eryn Wise of Sacred Stone Camp said. "He's not invested in the well-being of the American people."

Hundreds protested at the White House after President Trump approved the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. The Dakota Access Pipeline threatens clean water for millions, including indigenous tribes. Trump holds a stake in the company behind the pipeline and stands to profit from it.

"Standing Rock is a catalyst for something greater than this movement," Wise said. "It is indigenous people that are rising together because we realize that our rights have not been represented."

"This pipeline is, to me, symbolic of a legacy of history," Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said. "It represents a level of abuse, and it represents a renewal by indigenous people in this country to say, 'We're standing up for ourselves. We want to protect what's ours. We want to protect the generations to come. We want to protect our water and the resources that have made us who we are.'"