

DHS Releases New Photos Of Border Facility

DHS says the photos show the "tremendous progress" the administration has made in getting unaccompanied minors out of their custody.

The Department of Homeland Security has released new photos of a border facility.

DHS says the photos show the "tremendous progress" the administration has made in getting unaccompanied minors out of their custody.

But these are just images from one emergency site. There are a dozen others that we have not seen photos from and media has not been allowed in.

The Biden administration says border crossings are still high but down drastically from months prior.

"We are addressing the many, many more families that need to be reunified along with our partners, our community-based partners and our partners across the federal government," said Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. "We're going to do so as fast as we can and we will pick those families that we can reunify and as we identify them, we will reunify them. That's the rule."

Earlier this week, a DHS official said about 6,000 people were apprehended at the border each day in April.