

EPA Officially Scraps Obama-Era Clean Water Regulation

EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the move Thursday, finalizing the repeal of the Waters of the United States rule.

The Trump administration has officially scrapped an Obama-era rule that spelled out federal protections for many U.S. streams and wetlands.

EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the move Thursday, finalizing the repeal of the Waters of the United States rule.

He said the move "puts an end to an egregious power grab" and "restores a longstanding and familiar regulatory framework."

At a glance, the 2015 regulation is just a document that defines which bodies of water are protected under the Clean Water Act. But critics have said it gives the federal government too much power. Supporters, on the other hand, argue it's necessary to keep waterways pollution-free.

The repeal will take effect in the coming weeks, and the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers are expected to issue a replacement by the end of the year.