PoliticsForeign Policy


Lawmakers Urge Trump Administration To Stop Nuclear Talks With Saudis

Saudi Arabia has so far failed to agree to a "gold standard" deal, which would implement measures to prevent it from developing nuclear weaponry.

A group of GOP senators say in light of Jamal Khashoggi's killing, the president should stop nuclear talks with Saudi Arabia. 

In a letter published Wednesday, the senators say the Saudis' alleged murder of Khashoggi, as well as Saudi activity in Yemen, cast doubt on the accountability of the country's leadership. The U.S. is currently working on a nuclear energy deal with the kingdom.

The letter includes signatures from prominent members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including Marco Rubio, Todd Young, Cory Gardner and Rand Paul.

But the senators were wary even before Khashoggi's killing. In the letter, they say the Saudi government's rejection of a "gold standard" deal is another source for concern. That standard bars countries from enriching uranium, a key step toward developing nuclear weapons.

Senators on both sides of the aisle have raised similar concerns about a potential nuclear deal in the past, warning against the possibility of a nuclear arms race between Saudi Arabia and its regional rival Iran.

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN