PoliticsForeign Policy


Pompeo: Saudis Should Have More Time To Finish Khashoggi Investigation

Pompeo briefed the president on his meeting with Saudi officials earlier this week.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Saudi Arabia should have a little more time to investigate the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 

"We ought to give them a few more days to complete that, so that we too have a complete understanding of the facts surrounding that, at which point we can make decisions about how or if the United States should respond to the incident surrounding Mr. Khashoggi," Pompeo said. 

Pompeo briefed President Trump on the case Thursday morning. In a press conference after that meeting, Pompeo pointed out that Saudi Arabia is one of the U.S.' important partners. 

Pompeo said: "We need to be mindful of that as well." 

Khashoggi disappeared more than two weeks ago when he went into the Saudi consulate building in Istanbul but never came out. There are speculations he was killed inside the building, possibly on the order of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Pompeo met with Saudi officials, including the crown prince, earlier this week to discuss the case.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.