PoliticsForeign Policy


Pres. Biden Marks First Memorial Day In Office

President Joe Biden marked his first memorial day as commander in chief by honoring the sacrifice of those who have served at a ceremony in Delaware.

"We must remember the price that was paid for our liberties. We must remember the debt we owe those who have paid it, the families left behind." He said

President Joe Biden marked his first memorial day as commander in chief by honoring the sacrifice of those who have served at a ceremony in Delaware yesterday.

He's set to mark today's holiday at Arlington National Cemetery later this morning. 

He also used yesterday's event to preview his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin next month. 

He said he'll apply the same pressure on Putin that he has on China's president. 

"I had a long conversation, for two hours recently, with President Xi, making it clear to him that we could do nothing but speak out for human rights around the world because that's who we are. I'll be meeting with President Putin in a couple of weeks in Geneva, making it clear that we will not — we will not stand by and let him abuse those rights."

The two leaders are set to meet June 16.

The White House says the leaders will discuss a range of topics, with a goal of restoring U.S.—Russia relations.