PoliticsForeign Policy


Trump Administration Puts Iran 'On Notice'

The national security adviser responded to Iran's ballistic missile test and an attack by Iranian-backed militants Wednesday.

Iran's test of a ballistic missile earlier this week and an attack on a Saudi ship by government-backed militants have pissed off the Trump administration. 

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Gen. Michael Flynn said.

On Wednesday, Flynn — President Donald Trump's national security adviser — condemned the actions while also criticizing the Obama administration.

"The Obama administration failed to respond adequately to Tehran's malign actions, including weapons transfers, support for terrorism and other violations of international norms," Flynn said.

Flynn's criticism of the Obama administration's approach to U.S.-Iranian relations shouldn't be all that surprising. Trump frequently criticized the Obama administration's Iran deal while on the campaign trail.

"I will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. And we won't be using a man like Secretary Kerry that has absolutely no concept of negotiation, who's making a horrible and laughable deal, who's just being tapped along as they make weapons right now, and then goes into a bicycle race at 72 years old, and falls and breaks his leg," Trump said while announcing his candidacy for president.

"The nuclear deal puts Iran, the number one state sponsor of radical Islamic terrorism, on a path to nuclear weapons," Trump said. 

Flynn said the ballistic missile test violated a U.N. resolution regarding ballistic missiles "capable of delivering nuclear weapons." The New York Times reports Iran has a different interpretation of the resolution, which was brokered as part of the U.S.'s Iran deal.

Houthi militants attacked the Saudi ship on Monday, killing two sailors.

"These are just the latest of a series of incidents in the past six months in which Houthi forces that Iran has trained and armed have struck Emirati and Saudi vessels, and threatened U.S. and allied vessels transiting the Red Sea," Flynn said.

Flynn didn't say what the White House is considering as a response. But a background briefing for the press was scheduled for later Wednesday.