PoliticsForeign Policy


Trump Says Time And Place Of US-North Korea Summit 'Hasn't Changed'

He made the comments while speaking to reporters Saturday.

President Donald Trump said Saturday night that the intended date and location of the U.S.-North Korea summit that he canceled "hasn't changed."

"We're looking at June 12 in Singapore. That hasn't changed. And it's moving along pretty well," Trump told reporters.

The president's comment came after a surprise meeting Saturday morning between North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean president Moon Jae-in. Kim reportedly told Moon he was still committed to denuclearization but wasn't sure if the U.S. could guarantee security for Kim's regime.

Trump canceled the June 12 meeting Thursday following North Korean comments the U.S. says were aggressive. But on Friday, Trump and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said talks with the North were continuing. 

The president also suggested in a tweet Friday that the meeting could happen June 12 or later if necessary.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.