PoliticsForeign Policy


President Trump Pushing For More Punitive Tariffs On Chinese Imports

According to reports, the tariffs would apply to some $200 billion in Chinese goods as The White House looks for leverage in trade negotiations.

President Donald Trump is reportedly looking to impose new tariffs on Chinese goods, which could cost American consumers.  

Several outlets are reporting the president plans to set a 10 percent tariff on some $200 billion of Chinese imports. 

That could mean higher prices on the consumer goods covered by the new tariffs, which would be bad news for shoppers, with the holiday season looming. The Washington Post reports things like refrigerators, televisions and toys could be affected.

President Trump has repeatedly accused China of unfair trade practices, and has already imposed billions of dollars in tariffs on other Chinese imports.

In the past, China has responded to American tariffs with tariffs of its own, which have raised prices for U.S. farmers who export goods to the country. An announcement on the new tariffs could reportedly come as early as Monday.