PoliticsForeign Policy


State Department Not On Track To Replace Vulnerable Embassies

As of fiscal year 2017, 77 of the planned 180 new embassy buildings had been completed, despite the original deadline being 2018.

A state department plan to replace potentially vulnerable embassies is not on track to meet it's 2018 deadline.

That's according to a Government Accountability Office report, which found that of the 180 planned buildings, only 77 had been completed as of Fiscal Year 2017. 

In 1999, Congress passed a law mandating increased security standards for U.S. embassies, after bombings at American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killed more than 220 people the year before. 

The GAO report says the State Department has struggled to replace the 180 embassies it subsequently identified due to a combination of factors, including inflation and unforeseen building requirements. 

The GAO suggests the department incorporate regularly updated inflation estimates into plans for new embassy buildings going forward.