PoliticsForeign Policy


US Officially Blames North Korea For WannaCry Ransomware Attack

North Korea was also behind a 2014 hack of Sony Pictures ahead of a movie about the assassination of Kim Jong-un.

The United States has officially accused North Korea of being behind the so-called "WannaCry" ransomware attack.

President Donald Trump's homeland security adviser Tom Bossert wrote an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal officially naming the Kim regime as the culprit. It had been suspected North Korea was behind the attack that, among other things, devastated the U.K.'s National Health Service.

North Korea was behind another massive cyberattack in 2014 when it targeted Sony Pictures ahead of the release of "The Interview," a satirical movie that portrayed the assassination of a ... less-than-stately Kim Jong-un.

Bossert called on the private sector to "increase its accountability in the cyber realm by taking actions that deny North Korea and other bad actors the ability to launch reckless and destructive cyberattacks."

He said the Trump administration "will continue to use our maximum pressure strategy to curb Pyongyang's ability to mount attacks, cyber or otherwise."