

Georgia Sued For Third Time Over New Voting Law

The lawsuit calls law "an attack on democracy itself."

Georgia is being sued for the third time since it passed a new voting law. 

The latest lawsuit was filed by the ACLU Southern Poverty Law Center and NAACP on behalf of several smaller groups. It says the new law racially discriminates and is "an attack on democracy." 

The law, which had Republican support in the state, strengthens voter ID requirements for absentee ballots and limits the use of ballot drop boxes. 

Some groups have called for boycotts of businesses and events in the state. Georgia's governor criticized that effort.

"It’s wrong for people," said Gov. Brian Kemp. "Especially a lot of these activists from out of state that are benefiting financially from pushing this narrative to punish hard-working Georgians, great institutions like the Masters and Major League Baseball that by the way employ a lot of hard-working Georgians, that are trying to fight through this pandemic."

Both of the state's Democratic Senators say the new law would suppress voter turnout.