

Growing Number Of Migrants Trying To Cross Border

Psaki: Unaccompanied minors should be treated with humanity.

The Biden administration is continuing to face a problem at the southern border with the exploding number of migrants attempting to cross into the U.S.

The White House addressed the issue Thursday.

"The president and our administration has made a decision that the way to humanely approach immigration is to allow for unaccompanied minors to come and be treated with humanity and be in a safe place while while we're trying to get them into sponsored homes. And there have been a large flow of children cross the border. We recognize that, but we made a policy decision because we felt it was the humane approach," said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

But a report from this week shows a record number of children have been in detention facilities, some for far longer than the legal limit. 

The president did not mention immigration in his prime-time address Thursday night.

One place being considered to house the migrants is a NASA site. Border patrol is looking at possibly using a federal airfield in mountain view California.

Take a look at these pictures from Texas. Border officials are so swamped with processing they're doing it under a bridge.

A federal official says this is used only when there's a high number of migrants.

Right now, they say the Rio Grande Valley area is seeing at least one-thousand crossings a day with many trying to claim asylum.