PoliticsHealth Care


Doctors Are Working To Fight Gun Violence

On Monday, the American College of Physicians published a list of recommendations for doctors who want to help fight gun violence.

An organization of physicians wants to help doctors fight gun violence.

The American College of Physicians published 10 recommendations Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, including some that reaffirm existing policy. Many physicians' organizations already view gun violence as a public health crisis, and the new recommendations suggest it be responded to that way. 

They also suggest creating coalitions of health professionals, teachers, law enforcement officials and parents to help support gun regulation and bring about social change. 

And the organization recommends doctors counsel patients on the risk of keeping firearms in the home, especially when children and people with mental health issues are present. 

The organization already planned to release the recommendations before this month's deadly gun attacks took place. But its president said the recent shootings emphasize the importance of policies that keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a risk to themselves or others.

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.