PoliticsHealth Care


Trump To Select Texas Oncologist Stephen Hahn To Lead FDA

Hahn was involved in the Public Health Service and headed the National Cancer Institute's prostate cancer clinic in the 90's.

President Donald Trump said Friday he'll nominate oncologist Stephen Hahn to lead the FDA. He is the chief medical executive at The University of Texas' cancer center.

Hahn worked for seven years as a senior investigator at the National Cancer Institute, including two years in its prostate cancer clinic. He left government work in 1996. 

Acting FDA Commissioner Ned Sharpless left Friday to return as director of the National Cancer Institute. 

Until Hahn is confirmed by the Senate, Assistant Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services Brett Giroir will lead the FDA.

Hahn can't be officially nominated until he completes a background check. His confirmation hearing could conclude by the end of the year, but the process could be disrupted by impeachment and government budget negotiations. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN