PoliticsHealth Care


What Kind Of Health Care Proposals Are 2020 Candidates Floating?

Democratic presidential candidates say they support major changes to the U.S. health care landscape, but they have different ways of going about it.

The future of the nation's health care system has been center stage as both lawmakers and Democratic presidential candidates discuss how to best fix it.

So what are some of the proposals on the table?  

For some background, President Trump campaigned on the promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. But he reversed course recently, saying that Congress wouldn't vote on a health care replacement until after the 2020 presidential election. 

So as we inch closer to that date, candidates have been touting their visions to reshape the U.S. health care landscape. 

For starters, all of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have said they support major changes to the health care system. Where they differ is how they get to that goal.

You might be most familiar with the term 'Medicare for All.'

Sen. Bernie Sanders has been behind multiple versions of that legislation, which is loosely defined as universal, government-run health care for all Americans. Most notably, it would get rid of private insurance and almost all co-pays, deductibles and premiums. 

That concept, or some variation of it, is backed by some of the other Democratic candidates. For example, Sen. Elizabeth Warren's approach to Medicare includes a potential "temporary role" for private insurance companies. 

Not everyone wants to go to a single-payer system. Former Vice President Joe Biden's plan builds off of the Affordable Care Act. People who qualify for Medicaid would be able to buy into a public option with no premiums.

Other Democrats have said they believe Americans won't like being required to join a government insurance plan. Or as Mayor Pete Buttigieg dubbed the idea, "Medicare for all who want it." 

That does seem to parallel voters' stances. Recent polls have shown that while there's decent support for the idea of a universal health care plan, some voters aren't very clear on what it entails, and some oppose it if they're told it would eliminate private insurance. 

There's also another factor to be thrown into the mix. All Democratic candidates have indicated that their plans would cover undocumented immigrants

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN