

House Majority Leader Puts Forward $25B Bill To Fund Border Wall

Congressional leaders had previously decided to tackle the border wall after midterms.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has put forward a bill that would fully pay for a proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The price tag? $25 billion. 

That money would also cover infrastructure updates along the border, as well as more vehicles and updated technology for the Border Patrol.

But McCarthy's proposal has already drawn criticism from within his own party. NBC News reports Senate Republicans, including Sens. Rand Paul and Lisa Murkowski, expressed concerns over the cost.  

McCarthy's proposal also complicates the reported timeline for tackling the border wall's funding.  

Last month, President Donald Trump signed a short-term spending bill that didn't include funding for the wall. The president said he approved it because he had received assurances that congressional Republicans would take on the issue after midterm elections. 

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.