

House Passes Resolution To Terminate National Emergency Declaration

The resolution will now head to the Republican-controlled Senate.

The House passed a resolution that would terminate President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to help fund a U.S.-Mexico border wall. 

In a press conference on Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denounced the president's declaration, saying it was unconstitutional.  

"The president's power grab usurps that constitutional responsibility and fundamentally violates the balance of power envisioned by our founders," Pelosi said. 

Rep. Joaquin Castro — the resolution's sponsor — said last week that he had the support of more than 220 co-sponsors, including one Republican. 

"This will require historic unity among members of Congress to make sure that this branch of government maintains its rightful place under the Constitution," Castro said. 

The resolution is now headed to the Republican-controlled Senate. If it passes there, it will go to the president, who has said he will "100 percent" veto it. If that happened, both chambers of Congress would need a two-thirds majority in each chamber to override the veto. 

President Trump has been hit with several legal challenges since declaring a national emergency. The declaration allows the president to access certain government funding to pay for a border wall without going through Congress.