

Giant Inflatable Chicken With Trump's Hair Hangs Out Near White House

The 30-foot-tall fowl outfitted with President Donald Trump's hairstyle was placed between the South Lawn and Constitution Avenue.

A giant inflatable chicken was the focus of a protest Wednesday near the White House.

The 30-foot-tall fowl — outfitted with President Donald Trump's hairstyle — was on the grass between the South Lawn and Constitution Avenue.

That might sound like an oddly specific place to put a chicken, but it was probably intentional. You could see the inflatable in the corner of TV crews' shots of the White House.

And it wasn't long before journalists and social media started buzzing about the bird known as "Chicken Don."

So what does "Chicken Don" stand for?

The protest organizer told news outlets the president is "too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Vladimir Putin, and now he's playing chicken with North Korea."

The Trump White House has already seen its fair share of visual protests, from puppets to a giant "Resist" banner unfurled from a crane.

And "Chicken Don" has made the protest rounds before.

CBS notes the organizers of the Tax Day March used the inflatable in cities across the country earlier this year to urge the president to release his tax returns.