

John Kelly To West Wing Staff: Don't Worry About More Firings

Some reporting suggests Trump actually enjoys the unrest; he said he likes the conflicts he's created.

White House chief of staff John Kelly told West Wing employees the president's rumored shake-up was overblown and their jobs were safe. 

Media reports have zeroed in on more potential firings following Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's surprise ousting, which followed the resignations of economic adviser Gary Cohn and Communications Director Hope Hicks, among several others. 

Trump is reported to be unhappy with several of his Cabinet members, who have made headlines for ethics violations and misuse of taxpayer money. Trump also reportedly has it in for national security adviser H. R. McMaster — even Kelly himself has responded to questions of his own fate. 

Some reporting suggests Trump actually enjoys the unrest; he said he likes the conflicts he's created.