

Marco Rubio, Elizabeth Warren Weigh In On The Trump-Lewis Feud

More lawmakers are wading into the dispute between President-elect Donald Trump and U.S. Rep. John Lewis.

The list of lawmakers wading into the dispute between President-elect Donald Trump and Rep. John Lewis continues to grow.

And it's even crossing the aisle. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told reporters Monday he admires Lewis for his role in the civil rights movement.

But Rubio said he disagrees with Lewis' decision not to attend Trump's inauguration.

"I don't agree with him that President-elect Trump is illegitimate. ... I also had hoped that the president-elect would have responded differently given everything that John Lewis means to our country," Rubio told reporters.

In an interview for NBC's "Meet the Press" last week, Lewis had said he is boycotting Trump's inauguration.

"I don't see the president-elect as a legitimate president," Lewis said.

Trump responded on Twitter and said Lewis was "all talk, talk, talk — no action or results."

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Lewis.

During Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast in Boston on Monday, she said multiple times Lewis has "earned the right" to question Trump's legitimacy as president. But she refused to say if she thinks Trump is legitimate.

She was quoted as saying, "What I believe is that right now, the intelligence community has raised significant questions about Russian interference in our electoral process. And that these questions must be tracked down, and that we both must determine exactly what Russia did, and take appropriate steps."

Trump will be sworn in as president on Friday.