

Mitch McConnell Says Congress Can't Do Much About School Shootings

McConnell made the remark Tuesday while talking with a group of community leaders in Danville, Kentucky.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he he believes Congress is limited in what it can do to prevent school shootings.

According to the Lexington Herald Leader, McConnell told a group of community leaders in Danville, Kentucky, "I don't think at the federal level there's much that we can do other than appropriate funds."

School shootings like the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School earlier this year have led to renewed calls for stricter gun control measures. 

Congress did pass some gun control measures in a spending bill signed into law back in March. Those measures are meant to improve the national background check system and allow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study gun violence.

But Republicans have been hesitant to tighten gun control regulations, instead recommending other potential solutions, like increased security at schools.