PoliticsMidterm Elections


Election '22: What Matters: Michael Mann On Climate Messaging

Climatologist Michael Mann speaks with with Newsy and The Washington Post about the politics, nuance and trends of climate messaging.

This week, Election ’22: What Matters examines how climate change is impacting the midterm vote. 

A new Washington Post – ABC News poll finds 51% of voters now say climate change is one of the most important issues driving their vote. And though the environment is not getting as much attention as things like the economy, crime and abortion rights, it will need to be a top priority for elected leaders around the country.

We speak with Michael Mann, a climatologist at the University of Pennsylvania, about the political nuance of climate messaging and how people can move the political needle on climate issues.


Election 22: What Matters airs at 8:30 p.m. Fridays on Newsy, and replays at 7 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays on Newsy. Each week dives into one of the issues that will decide the midterm elections.