

Secy. Pompeo's Wife Accused Of Misusing Taxpayer Resources

McClatchy DC reports Susan Pompeo asked State Department staff to help her send personal family Christmas cards last year.

The wife of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly asked his staff to help her send personal family Christmas cards last year. 

According to emails obtained by the McClatchy DC news agency, Susan Pompeo used her personal email to ask State Department aide Toni Porter for the favor. Last month, Porter told a House committee she felt uncomfortable with the request.

Porter's testimony was part of an investigation into the firing of the State Department Inspector General. 

Other allegations about Susan Pompeo say she also helped her husband plan private dinners for corporate and political guests held in State Department reception rooms and paid for with State Department funds.

Pompeo says his wife's actions were legal and called the probe into her emails "pathetic and sad." 

Contains footage from CNN.