

Mueller Subpoenas Trump's Financial Records From A German Bank

Special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for financial information on President Donald Trump.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly forced a German bank to hand over documents on its relationship with President Donald Trump and members of his family.

Bloomberg reported Tuesday that Mueller issued a subpoena to Deutsche Bank for the information weeks ago.

Before Trump became president, the bank loaned the Trump Organization hundreds of millions of dollars for various real estate projects. Earlier this year, Democrats in the House of Representatives asked Deutsche Bank to provide details on Trump's finances, but the bank wouldn't do that without a formal request.

Mueller is leading an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

In February, The Guardian reported Deutsche Bank reviewed Trump's accounts to see if there were any "suspicious connections" to Russia but didn't find any links.

Deutsche Bank told Bloomberg it "always cooperates with investigating authorities in all countries." As of Tuesday morning, neither the White House or Trump had commented on the report.