

PolI: Impeachment Puts Relationships To The Test At Holiday Gatherings

A new poll from Newsy and Ipsos found Americans are talking about politics at holiday parties. But millennials are avoiding those conversations.

If a holiday impeachment has you feeling like you're in Saturday Night Live's "American Households" skit,  you're not alone. 

A new survey from Newsy and Ipsos found that nearly half of Americans discussed impeachment with friends or family during holiday gatherings.

Overall, 63 percent of respondents said they had discussed the impeachment proceedings with loved ones at some point. But 64 percent said they had Avoided talking about politics with at least one person they're close to.

Millennials are avoiding political conversations more than other generations. 

But Gen Z is doing more than just avoiding political conversations, they're outright cancelling their friends on social media.

About a quarter of respondents said at least one of their relationships has been put under intense strain as a result of political disagreements. The numbers were pretty similar regardless if you're a Republican, Democrat or independent.

And it's not just impeachment. The Newsy/Ipsos survey found 38% of Americans overall say they've talked about the 2020 election primary candidates at holiday gatherings.