

Top NSC Official Over Russian Affairs On Leave Pending Investigation

Andrew Peek stepped into the position in November 2019, but multiple sources say a security-related investigation took him out.

The top National Security Council official overseeing Russian and European affairs is on indefinite administrative leave. 

Andrew Peek stepped into the position in November 2019, but multiple sources say a security-related investigation took him out. 

Peek declined to comment on the matter, while NSC officials said they don't comment on personnel matters.

A U.S. official says the senior director's exit comes days before he was set to attend the World Economic Forum alongside President Trump in Switzerland. 

This role has seen a lot of turnover. Impeachment witnesses Fiona Hill and Tim Morrison held the position, making Peek the third person to fill the position in a year.

Peek previously worked at the State Department as deputy assistant secretary of state for Iraq and Iran.