

NYT: Trump's Legal Team Changes Demands For Mueller Interview

Rudy Giuliani told The New York Times that Robert Mueller's team needs to provide evidence that the president committed a crime.

President Donald Trump's legal team has reportedly set new conditions for any potential interview between the president and special counsel Robert Mueller's team. 

Among other conditions, President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani told The New York Times there needed to be concrete evidence the president committed a crime before he'd agree to speak with Mueller and his team. 

The Times notes this is part of a shift to a more combative stance for the president's legal team, which had been relatively cooperative with the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Giuliani has made a number of different statements about what Trump's lawyers would demand of Mueller to secure an interview.

But Giuliani told the Times it was unlikely Mueller would accept the demands. And back in January, the president himself said he'd like to talk to Mueller under oath.

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN