PoliticsPolitical Scandals


DNC Chair Talked Smack, Then Emails Were Leaked, And Now She's Out

On Sunday, the Democratic National Committee said Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign as its head.
and last updated

Just a week after talking smack about the Republican National Convention, the Democrats are having their own problems.

Last week, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz tweeted Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, "Hey @Reince - I'm in Cleveland if you need another chair to help keep your convention in order. #RNCinCLE" 

Various media outlets have reported Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz won't speak at the Democratic National Convention, and now, there are questions as to whether Wasserman Schultz will have a role in the convention at all. 

CNN reports Wasserman Schultz won't be presiding over the convention, which kicks off Monday. The DNC's Rules Committee reportedly stripped Wasserman Schultz of her position as the convention chair. But she may not have presided over the convention anyway. 

Former Congressman Barney Frank who is the co-chairman of the Rules Committee told Politico Wasserman Schultz "was never going to be the convention chairwoman." Instead, Congresswoman Marcia Fudge would hold that role.

The news comes after nearly 20,000 emails between DNC staffers were released by WikiLeaks. Some emails appear to show the DNC tried to undercut Hillary Clinton's primary opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders. One email from a staffer suggested the DNC question Sanders' faith

Sanders has called for Wasserman Schultz to step down for months, saying the DNC didn't treat the campaigns fairly. He renewed the call on Sunday.

"She should resign, period," Sanders told ABC's "This Week."

And Sanders got his wish. On Sunday, the DNC announced Wasserman Schultz will resign as its head, effective after the 2016 convention.

This video includes clips from the Democratic National CommitteeMSNBCPBSRep. Marcia FudgeC-SPANBernie 2016 and CBS. Music provided courtesy of APM Music.