PoliticsPolitical Scandals


Donald Trump Jr. Agrees To Interview Before Senate Judiciary Committee

The interview is part of the investigation into contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. agreed to sit down with the Senate judiciary committee as part of the investigation into contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Trump Jr. agreed to a private, transcribed interview with the panel after first being invited to testify in public. He'll likely face questions about the meeting he took with a Russian lawyer during his father's campaign on the pretext of getting damaging information on Hillary Clinton.

And a different Russia investigation is putting pressure on some other people at that meeting.

Paul Manafort served as the Trump campaign chairman at that time, and he also attended the controversial June 2016 meeting with Trump Jr. and the Russian lawyer. Now, special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed Manafort's acting spokesman, Jason Maloni, as well as his former lawyer Melissa Laurenza. 

Mueller's team, the Senate judiciary committee and the Senate and House intelligence committees are all investigating potential collusion between the campaign and Russian officials.

As of Tuesday evening, no date had been set for Trump Jr.'s interview.

Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley and ranking member Sen. Dianne Feinstein told CNN the interview could happen in September.