PoliticsPolitical Scandals


Price To Pay For Those Expensive Private Flights

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price's penchant for private jets caused quite a stir in Washington.

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price is now paying for the expensive private flights he previously billed to the federal government.

He said in a statement, "The taxpayers won't pay a dime for my seat on those planes."

Just days before, Politico reported that Price's charter jets have reportedly cost more than $400,000 in taxpayer money since May. 

The report prompted an internal review of Price's travel and a freeze from the White House on chartered flights at HHS. Price's statement says he'll comply with those measures and that he regrets the concerns this has raised.

President Donald Trump hasn't taken this news lightly and said "we'll see" when asked if he would fire Price as a result. In a press briefing on Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders echoed Trump's statement.

"We're going to conduct a full review, and we'll see what happens," Sanders said.