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Key Republican Asks For Another Trump-Related Investigation

Rep. Jason Chaffetz is asking for another probe into the Trump administration, this time related to leaks that ousted Michael Flynn.

Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz is asking for another investigation related to the Trump White House.

Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, wrote a letter with House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte asking the inspector general to look into the leaks that ultimately ousted former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. 

They're concerned that those leaks mean someone's not protecting the nation's secrets.

"You can't mishandle classified information, and so we want the inspector general to dive into that issue, as he can do at the Department of Justice and look under the hood and find out the truth behind this," Chaffetz said. 

That likely won't satisfy some Democrats. Rep. Elijah Cummings sharply criticized Chaffetz and other Republicans for failing to look at Flynn and his connection to Russia. 

"Do you hear the silence? That is the sound of Republicans doing zero oversight of President Trump," Cummings said. 

But Chaffetz has asked Trump's administration for plenty of answers. He pressured White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus after President Trump conducted official business in a public dining room at his Mar-a-Lago estate. 

Last weekend, people at Mar-a-Lago posted pictures online that appear to show Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe discussing the North Korean missile test out in the open. 

Before that, Chaffetz and Cummings partnered to ask the Office of Government Ethics for an investigation into Kellyanne Conway's potential violation of ethics laws for publicly endorsing Ivanka Trump's brand on Fox News.

Amid all three requests for answers, though, Chaffetz hasn't probed for a congressional investigation into Trump's ties to Russia. That's not going over well in his home state.

The FBI is still investigating Russian involvement in the U.S. election and potential Trump campaign connections.