PoliticsPolitical Scandals


Romanians Continue To Protest, Seek Government Resignations Next

Romanians want their government to resign after it passed — then revoked — a law that would gave decriminalized corruption.

Demonstrations have convinced the Romanian government to back off of a controversial corruption law — but protesters aren't satisfied yet.

The new law, passed last week, would have decriminalized certain acts of corruption. 

The law would have decriminalized abuses of power, conflicts of interest or work negligence that had a financial loss up to 200,000 lei ($47,800). The order would also pardon certain prisoners if their terms were fewer than five years. It would also end any ongoing corruption investigations and prohibit further probes of the kind. 

Critics said the law went against Romania's ongoing anti-corruption effort. Romania is the second-poorest country in the European Union, thanks in part to decades of endemic corruption. 

Romania's government has now repealed the law.

But that hasn't stopped protesters from flooding Victory Square in central Bucharest, along with other cities in Romania and around Europe. 

With the law undone, protesters are now calling for the resignation of the government, which only took office in December.